VHM is one of Victoria’s largest tenement holders with 2,860km2 of near-contiguous tenements. 

Notice of Application for a Mining Licence for the Goschen Project

Mineral Resources (Sustainable Development) Act 1990 (MRSDA) – Section 15(5) Mineral Resources (Sustainable Development) (Mineral Industries) Regulations 2019–Regulation 22(1) and Schedule 1.

Name and address of applicant

VHM Limited –  Suite 1, Level 11, 330 Colins Street, Melbourne, VIC 3000

Telephone: Kurtis Noyce 0458 600 045

Email: community@vhmltd.com.au

Details of the Application

Application Number: MIN007256

Locality: 4 km north east of Lalbert, 35 km south of Swan Hill

Area of application: 1534.60 hectares

Date of application: 30 March 2023

Term of licence applied for: 20 years

Outline of proposed works

VHM Limited’s (VHM) Goschen Rare Earths and Mineral Sands Project is in advanced stages of planning, with a Definitive Feasibility Statement completed and an Environment Effects Statement (EES) currently on public exhibition. Should the EES receive a positive endorsement from the Minister for Planning, and this Mining Licence application is granted by the Minister for , all necessary approvals to construct, operate and close the project can then be applied for. This will include a work plan submitted to the Earth Resources Regulator that details how the company will manage community engagement, rehabilitation, monitoring and auditing. An outline of the proposed work can be found in the Draft Work Plan included as part of the Goschen Environment Effects Statement documentation. The Goschen Project plan is to deliver a mining and mineral process operation that achieves a production rate of 5 million tonne of ore per annum producing a range of “critical minerals” (rare earth, zircon and titanium minerals) products to national and international consumers. In addition to the EES process engagement, VHM will continue to consult and provide information to individual land holders and the broader community and encourage feedback to be incorporated into the planning process.

Objections or Comments

Any person may object or comment to a licence being granted. (Section 24 and 24A, Mineral Resources (Sustainable Development) Act 1990. A person who objects or comments must:

(a) put the objection or comments in writing;

(b) include the grounds on which it is made.

All objections or comments must be lodged within 21 days after the latest date on which the application was advertised and can be lodged:

(a) online at https://earthresources.vic.gov.au/licensing-approvals/have-your-say; or

(b) posted to:

The Minister for Energy and Resources

c/- Manager Licensing, Earth Resources Regulator

GPO Box 500

East Melbourne

Victoria 8002

It is recommended that comments or objections are lodged at https://earthresources.vic.gov.au/licensing-approvals/have-your-say between 9 January 2024 and 11:59pm, 2 February 2024 to ensure consideration.

Enquiries can be made by writing to the Manager Licensing at the above address or by telephone to the Earth Resources Information Centre on 136 186.

Other Statutory Requirements

Subject to other statutory requirements being satisfied, a mining licence, if granted, entitles the holder of the licence to carry out mining on the relevant land, explore for minerals, construct any facilities specified in the licence, and do anything else that is incidental to that mining.

Further information regarding the statutory requirements that must be complied with prior to work being undertaken on a licence, including landowner and occupier consent requirements, is available at https://earthresources.vic.gov.au/community-and-land-use.

This Mining Licence Application forms part of the VHM Goschen Rare Earths and Mineral Sands Project EES that is currently on public exhibition and open for public comment until 11:59 pm 17January 2024. Further information including a Draft Work Plan can be found at https://www.vhmltd.com.au/ees. Online submissions are preferred and can be lodged via the Victorian Government’s Engage Victoria website: https://engage.vic.gov.au/Goschen-IAC.


Subject to the licence being approved, Section 39A of the MRSDA obligates the Licensee to consult and share information that might affect the community. VHM is committed to the identification of stakeholders, particularly landowners and occupiers who are directly or indirectly affected by our activities. Stakeholders include traditional owners, government agencies, local communities, interest groups and other commercial entities which operate within the area.

VHM acknowledges the Traditional Owners and will respect the rights of the traditional custodians of the land.

The company is committed to open, timely and honest communication with all stakeholders. VHM will continue to consult with the relevant land managers/owners early in its exploration and mine planning process to ensure that the relevant community stakeholders are identified. VHM will ensure transparency and consultation regarding the activities being planned and will where possible manage and design plans with respect to community concerns. If VHM wishes to enter a private property to undertake an exploration or mining activity, consent will be sought from the landowner, and if access is approved a compensation agreement will be negotiated. VHM will operate in accordance with the landowners’ safety, biosecurity and environmental requirements.

Where an exploration or mining activity is deemed to have wider community effects, these activities will be communicated via this website and in writing (letters/emails/newspapers), as well as by direct consultation via phone calls and/or meetings with key stakeholders prior to engagement in the activity.

VHM will endeavour to address all concerns relating to its activities and provide transparent information. It is in the best interests of VHM and the community to maintain good working relationships. VHM encourages community members and relevant groups to contact us via email community@vhmltd.com.au to ensure that the community remains informed of the Company’s activities and a forum is available to directly address any concerns.

Further details around how the company will engage with stakeholders can be found in the Draft Goschen Rare Earths and Mineral Sands Community Engagement Plan, published as part of the EES documentation here: https://www.vhmltd.com.au/ess.

Respecting the environment

VHM is a responsible company which recognises and respects the environment and the values and rights of others in the environment.

VHM commits to continually improving its environmental performance and responsibility through the education of its employees and contractors via the following initiatives:

  • integrating environmental considerations into project planning and operations;
  • implementing environmental controls and strategies to identify, minimise and avoid, wherever possible, environmental impact from our activities;
  • monitoring relevant environmental parameters;
  • auditing and reporting on environmental performance;
  • preventing pollution by minimising emissions and the generation of waste;
  • providing sufficient training and resources for effective environmental management;
  • having open communication with communities and other stakeholders about environmental issues

VHM is committed to being a proactive environmental manager, through consultation with stakeholders ensuring that it remains a good corporate citizen.

The company is committed to avoiding and minimising impacts to native vegetation, fauna habitats and wetlands, and will manage our operations with due care for the natural environment and the surrounding land use activities by ensuring the environment and social values are considered in the planning phase of all VHM’s proposed activities.

Further details around how the company will manage potential impact to the environment and community can be found in the Environment Effects Statement. https://www.vhmltd.com.au/ees/.